About me

InHouse Pilates' Charmaine Voigt head and shoulders

Hi, I’m Charmaine, a Pilates instructor, business owner, wife and mom.

How my journey began

I have been passionate about ‘movement’ for as long as I can remember.

I started Ballet at a very young age. I remember dancing down the hallway and pirouetting in the kitchen much to my mom’s horror. I even converted my bedroom into a ballet studio. I danced while other kids played games. I just wanted to dance. I loved the movement and music of ballet but most of all I loved the escape ballet created. I felt that I could be anywhere.

Movement has always been a way of expressing myself.

When I was 13 years old, I started taking Body Conditioning Classes in between my ballet classes for more strength and muscle endurance.

My grandmother, who I was very close to, had become really ‘hunched over’ from Rheumatoid arthritis. To remedy this, she underwent invasive surgery to align her neck and spine. The surgeon placed a metal rod in her spine and a metal ‘halo’ into her skull. As you can imagine this was quite traumatic for my Gran. I used to wonder if the operation could’ve been avoided and if her neck alignment would have improved by strengthening the muscles surrounding her spine and core. So, I decided to study to become a Personal Trainer and a Group Instructor. Once qualified, I left my full-time job to pursue my love for fitness.

I found Pilates worked well with my health, allowing me gentle movement and flow, and strengthening my core to support my postural muscles.

In 1994 I married the love of my life. That same year my dad was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s cancer. I thought I was managing everything but my body told a different story. In 1994 I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis and over the next couple of years Sjogren’s, Fibromyalgia, connective tissue Lupus, Osteopenia and primary biliary cholangitis (PBC).

I realised that I had to look after my health, exercise and continue to pursue a better work/life balance. Being a very driven person, I often relapse into an ‘all work and no-play mentality’ which results in a health relapse with pain and inflammation.

To regain my balance, I have found that I have to be diligent about creating habits before I start my day like stretching in bed before rising, taking time in the morning to have my quiet time reading, making sure I eat during the day, exercise, but not overdo it and have good quality sleep to restore my mind and body.

Pilates has been my constant companion throughout it all as I don’t have to do hours of exercise. I can feel the difference just 10 minutes a day makes.

I love what I do.

Making a difference in women’s lives is the driving force behind everything I do. I educate women about their bodies, strengthen their core and postural muscles, and help them to listen to their bodies while having fun in the process!

Until recently I owned, ran and taught Pilates at my studio ‘Progressive Pilates Studio.’ Due to health reasons, I closed the studio to pursue teaching Pilates online. When my clients asked me to teach live-streaming classes during Covid 19, I jumped at the opportunity. Now I run InHouse Pilates, live streaming mat classes, for women over 50.

Seeing my clients’ results from Pilates motivates me to do more. I continue to invest in myself through research and education; learning more about the body; improving my Pilates knowledge and becoming a better teacher.

In 10 sessions you’ll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you’ll see the difference, and in 30 sessions you’ll have a whole new body
— Joseph Pilates