Healthy Christmas: 12 Tips to enjoy Christmas without derailing your health goals.
As the festive season approaches, many of us find ourselves excited to catch up with family and friends, but also feeling the pressure to maintain our health and wellbeing goals.
With stress eating, excessive alcohol consumption, and reduced physical activity being common culprits for weight gain during this time, it's essential to have a strategy in place.
According to Nutrition Australia, the average Australian puts on between 0.8 - 1.5kgs over the Christmas period.
So how can we enjoy the festivities while staying on track? Here are 12 tips to help you navigate the holiday season without compromising your health.
Tip # 1 - Plan your way to success.
Stock up on healthy snacks that are easy to grab when hunger strikes.
Having ready-made homemade food available encourages you to eat and not skip meals and helps you to choose nourishing food over C.R.A.P. (Chemicals, refined sugar & flour, artificial stuff, preservatives) food.
Ensure you eat before heading out for Christmas shopping to avoid unhealthy choices.
Tip # 2 - Move it or lose it.
Tip # 3 - Make healthier choices at parties.
Eat something healthy before attending parties to avoid arriving hungry.
Fill your plate with plant-based foods first at buffets.
Choose veggies and protein-based options over starchy ones.
Focus on foods you can eat rather than those you can't.
Practice moderation by selecting only your favourite dishes.
Adopt an 80/20 rule—80% healthy meals and allow for indulgence in moderation during the festive season.
Corinne Nash, from Goodness Me Nutrition, has written a great blog called ‘The Healthy Eater's Guide to Surviving Christmas’. to read the blog, click here.
Tip # 4 - Mindful drinking.
Tip # 5 - Stay hydrated.
Tip # 6 - Practice mindful eating.
Sit down without distractions and focus on your food.
Tune into your senses—notice the flavours, textures, and aromas of what you eat.
Place your fork down between bites to savour each mouthful.
Tip # 7 - Combat emotional eating.
Identify triggers for emotional eating and ask yourself if you're truly hungry.
Rate your hunger on a scale from 1 to 5 before reaching for snacks.
Swap out unhealthy snacks for healthier options like roasted chickpeas or fruit.
Get support.
Ask your doctor, dietician or nutritionist to refer you to local support groups. You’ll be surprised to find that you are not alone.
Tip # 8 - Learn to say ‘No’.
Tip # 9 - Prioritise quality sleep.
Tip # 10 - Recharge and refresh.
Tip # 11 - Mental health matters: Stress Less. Enjoy More.
Tip # 12 - Remember the essence: Special moments with loved ones.
By following these tips, you can navigate the holiday season with joy while keeping your health goals intact.
Embrace the festivities without compromising on wellbeing—after all, Christmas is about family, friends and celebrating.