Over 50? Postmenopausal? You could be at risk of having gum disease.

InHouse Pilates blog banner image shows model of teeth gum disease

According to the Australian Dental Association, ‘You may also find you’re way more sensitive than normal to hot and cold food and drinks, and that everything tastes a little odd, either really salty, peppery or sour, or bitter & metallic.

This can be a by-product of what’s known as burning mouth syndrome (BMS), which can be every bit as unpleasant as the name suggests.

With no definitive cause, other than likely being brought on by the sort of hormonal fluctuations you experience during menopause, BMS can make the front part of your mouth, lips, inside cheeks and tongue variously feel like they’re burning, tender, hot & scalding, numb or tender. Your dentist will be able to suggest an appropriate course of action.

‘Another symptom you may experience is dry mouth makes eating and swallowing difficult, as well as increasing your risk of tooth decay (saliva keeps the germs that cause decay in check). Fortunately, your dentist can help you manage this particular condition.

Osteoporosis can also affect your teeth and gums post-menopause. While you might commonly think of it as something that causes the bones in your arms or legs to be brittle or your back to stoop, it can cause the bone in your jaw to recede too, leading to gum reduction and tooth loss.

There’s no need to suffer through these hormonal fluctuations. Seeing your dentist regularly throughout menopause will ensure that many of these conditions can be managed effectively.’ 

Charmaine Voigt

I am passionate about helping beginners gain a confident understanding of the basics of Pilates principles and continue to work with them to advance levels. I am very patient and love seeing my clients becoming stronger and reaching their Pilates goals. That is very encouraging and gives me great satisfaction. I love what I do, every day!


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