What is Pilates?

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The who and the what of Pilates.

Pilates pronounced /pi’la:tiz/ but sounds a lot like “Pie and latte’s,” is named after the founder Joseph Pilates, who in the 1920s, developed a method of exercise he called “Contrology”. 

Joseph Pilates’ ‘Contrology‘ exercises are based on Joseph Pilates’ 34 exercises, which are always done in the exact order that Joseph Pilates had created them. Not only is the repertoire of exercises important, but the tempo and rhythm of each individual exercise and how smoothly you move from one exercise to the next (transitions) are just as important.

These Pilates exercises done in this order are known as Classical Pilates and can either be done on the mat or the Reformer (which is a Pilates equipment that looks like a low futon bed, with a carriage on top, that is connected to springs to add resistance. There are also straps that are used either for leg or arm workouts.)

When these exercises were created, Joseph intended that each Pilates class be a complete mind and full-body workout.

Pilates is the complete coordination of body, mind and spirit
— Joseph Pilates

It was only after Joseph Pilates died in 1967 that his students started calling ‘Contrology” the Pilates Method, who then also created the six Pilates Principles: Breath, Concentration, Control, Precision, Center, and Flow.,

Through the years Pilates has gradually evolved, however, the root of the techniques are still instilled in the philosophy and movements designed by Joseph Pilates over a century ago.

Today his core method is still taught with strong emphases on body awareness, good posture, core strength, muscle balance, and graceful movement. These are emphasized in the low impact exercises which consist of muscular strength, flexibility, and endurance, and are either done on the mat or on a variety of different Pilates equipment.

The popularity of Pilates has grown to more than 11 million participants over the years

Pilates is a sustainable, progressive, safe, and unique form of exercise, that will help strengthen you from the inside out.

You will feel stronger, your muscle endurance will improve, as well as your core, posture, and balance. Pilates builds strength without bulk, resulting in a toned body and strong core, regardless of your age. 

Do you want to know more about the ‘Health benefits of Pilates for ageing adults’, click here.

You will feel better in ten sessions, look better in twenty sessions, and have a completely new body in thirty sessions.
— Joseph Pilates
Charmaine Voigt

I am passionate about helping beginners gain a confident understanding of the basics of Pilates principles and continue to work with them to advance levels. I am very patient and love seeing my clients becoming stronger and reaching their Pilates goals. That is very encouraging and gives me great satisfaction. I love what I do, every day!


Unlocking the legacy of Joseph Pilates.


Exploring the world of Pilates.