Osteoporosis - Symptoms, diagnoses, and 9 ways you can prevent it.
Osteoporosis Charmaine Voigt Osteoporosis Charmaine Voigt

Osteoporosis - Symptoms, diagnoses, and 9 ways you can prevent it.

According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, ‘Osteoporosis (meaning ‘porous bones’) is defined as a condition that causes bones to become thin, weak, and fragile,’ occurring in both men and women. This is caused by the bones losing minerals like calcium faster than the body can replace it, causing decreased bone density, making bones more fragile and easier to break.’ Read more…

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What to eat to support healthy  bones.

What to eat to support healthy bones.

Explore the role of nutrition in supporting healthy bones and preventing bone loss. Learn about essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, along with vitamins D, C, and K. Discover dietary sources of bone-friendly nutrients and get tips on maintaining bone health through a well-balanced diet. Understand factors influencing calcium absorption and potential interferences. Invest in your bone health with nutrient-rich foods and smart lifestyle choices.

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