5 Simple neck stretches you can do on your bed.

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Below are a few stretches that you can do on your bed, either in the morning or in the evening, after working at your computer.

Before you start, ensure that the pillow you are using is high enough, so that you are looking down at your knees and not your chin facing the ceiling. If that’s the case, add another pillow under your head, so that your head is in the correct position to start with.   

These stretches should feel good on your neck. If any of these stretches don’t feel right, stop immediately. As always seek medical advice should your neck pain continue.

Stretch #1 Chin nods

InHouse Pilates blog 5 Simple neck stretches you can do on your bed 1. Chin nods.
  1. Lying on your bed, knees bent, feet on the bed.

  2. Rest your head on your pillow.

  3. Inhale and as you exhale, gently nod your head - give yourself a double chin as I have in the photo, but keep the back of your head on your pillow.

  4. Inhale to release the stretch and exhale to repeat 5 more times.

Stretch #2 Turtle neck

InHouse Pilates blog 5 Simple neck stretches you can do on your bed 2. Turtle neck. Lifting head off pillow.
  1. Still lying on your bed, knees bent, feet on the bed.

  2. Rest your head on your pillow.

  3. Gently nod your chin and then lift your head towards your chest, lengthening the back of your neck as you do that. Keep your shoulders touching the bed.

  4. You should feel the stretch from the back of your neck right down in between the shoulder blades.

  5. Rest your head back onto your pillow.

  6. Inhale to repeat 5 more times.

Stretch #3 Reverse turtle neck

InHouse Pilates blog 5 Simple neck stretches you can do on your bed 3. Reverse turtle neck.
  1. Just as you have done in stretch # 2.

    Still lying on your bed, knees bent, feet on the bed.

  2. Rest your head on your pillow.

  3. Inhale and gently nod your head, this time keep the back of your head on your pillow.

  4. Exhale and round your shoulders lifting them to the ceiling.

  5. Feel the stretch at the back of the neck and in between your shoulder blades.

  6. Release the nod and relax your shoulders back onto the bed to repeat 5 more times.

Stretch #4 Side chin nods

InHouse Pilates blog 5 Simple neck stretches you can do on your bed 4. Side chin nods
  1. Lying on your bed, knees bent, feet on the bed.

  2. Rest your head on your pillow.

  3. Inhale and gently turn your head to the left, keeping your head on your pillow.

  4. Exhale, gently nod your chin towards your left shoulder, inhale to repeat another 5 times.

  5. Feel the stretch on the right side of your neck and possibly at the back of the neck and down the shoulder into your shoulder blade.

Stretch #5 Figure 8’s

InHouse Pilates blog 5 Simple neck stretches you can do on your bed 5. Drawing figure 8 with nose.
  1. Lying on your bed, knees bent, feet on the bed.

  2. Rest your head on your pillow.

  3. 3. Inhale and gently start drawing a figure 8 on the ceiling with your nose.

  4. Make the loops of figure 8 big, so that you can use the full range of motion.

  5. Repeat 5 times in one direction and then repeat to the other direction.

Just a note, while doing any stretches, always be gentle. Never force any stretches. Should any of these stretches hurt, stop immediately.

You can always use a heated wheat bag to ease pain or cool it with a ice inside a ziplock back, covered with a tea-towel.

Charmaine Voigt

I am passionate about helping beginners gain a confident understanding of the basics of Pilates principles and continue to work with them to advance levels. I am very patient and love seeing my clients becoming stronger and reaching their Pilates goals. That is very encouraging and gives me great satisfaction. I love what I do, every day!


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